
St Andrew's Anglican Church Westbury

HomeSt Andrew's Anglican Church Westbury

Visitors to Westbury are invariably impressed with the quiet "Olde worlde" beauty of the Village Green, shaded by its towering English trees, and enclosed by its hawthorn hedges and century-old buildings.

Foremost of these, with its Georgian tower standing like a fortress, is a church dedicated to the glory of God and St. Andrew.

Built of sandstone bricks, shaped and dried in the sun a few hundred yards from the church, St. Andrew's Church of England had its beginnings before the Girl Queen, Victoria, came to the throne of England.

Those were harsh days when Westbury was a convict station, so that the softening influence of a place of worship could not be over-emphasised.

Around this church centre are many reminders of the generations of men and women who have worshipped God in this place, been baptised, confirmed and married within its walls and of those "whose course on earth is o'er".


If one was asked to name the outstanding features of the church, one would unhesitatingly point to the magnificent carvings in oak and blackwood - the pulpit, "the screen of the seven sisters", the honour boards, and the font cover. All of these the work of one woman, Mrs. E.N. Payne, the youngest daughter of the Hon. and Mrs. T.W. Field of "Westfield" and were presented to the church by members of the Fieldfamily.

The pulpit, built in England, is a memorial to her parents, Elizabeth and Thomas Field, and the elaborate and delicate “screen of the seven sisters” carved when she was 72 years old, is a beautiful memorial to her seven dead sisters.

Nellie, as she was known to many, continued her carving until her early nineties. She died in 1962, and is buried in the Anglican Cemetery at Westbury.

Ellen Nora Payne’s works can also be seen in several places around Tasmania, including the Hobart Town Hall, House of Assembly in Hobart, Hutchins, Friends, St. Michael’s Collegiate and the Launceston Church Grammar School.


Anglican services were first held in Westbury in the 1830's by a lecturer, a Mr. J.Anderson; by a school teacher, Mr. A. Cole, who had come from Campbell Town; and by Lt. G. B. Skardon R.N., who lived at Egmont.

These services were held in the old Police building on the corner of Lyall Street and Lonsdale Promenade where the old Post Office was later built. (Next to the present site of the Church Hall).


On March 7 1836 the Lt. Governor, Colonel George Arthur, while inspecting the line of road which then terminated at Westbury, laid the foundation stone of St. Andrew's Church.

During the ceremony a short service was conducted by the Rev'd. R.R. Davies, Rector of Longford.

Records reveal that Col. Arthur ordered that "stone should be used if possible, if not, brick would serve, and as plain as possible".

Building was slow and the church was not ready for full use until August 1841; even then it was incomplete.


The first Rector, Rev'd. J. Bishton M.A., had been appointed in 1839 and at that time the Parish included Deloraine and Carrick.

Many problems with the building of the church were encountered, probably due to the poor quality of the materials available, and several parts of the building had to be replaced before it was finally consecrated.


The Church and burial ground (some distance from the Church) were consecrated on March 5 1851 by the first Bishop of Tasmania, the Rt. Rev'd.F.R. Nixon.

Mr. Bishton died in 1853, and was succeeded by Rev'd. Montague Williams whose task was considerably lightened by the formation of separate parishes at Hagley, in 1856, and Deloraine in 1857.

Mr. Williams immediately set himself the task of completing the church and under the supervision of Mr. W.H. Clayton, the well known Longford architect, the handsome square tower was finished in 1859 at a cost of £800.

Even then he did not see the church as it is now, as the Sanctuary and Chancel were not completed until 1888 and consecrated on 26th October 1890, by the then Bishop, the Rt. Rev'd. H.H. Montgomery. (father of Field Marshal 'Monty')

In August 1877 a severe gale caused much damage in the town and the church did not escape. One of the pinnacles of the tower was blown down and crashed through the roof, destroying the font and a set of holy vessels. The font had been a gift from Archdeacon Marriott.

It was decided to remove the remaining pinnacles, at the same time as the repairs were undertaken. It was during the time of these repairs that vandals entered the church and destroyed some of the early Baptism and Burialrecords.

Advantage of this repair work was taken to install improved pews, a new pulpit and reading desk as well as the magnificent Organ, which is still in use in the church to this day. It was obtained for £190 from Walkers of London. A new font was donated to the church in 1883 by Mr. & Mrs. F. Belsted, who were leaving the district.


The parishioners of St. Andrew’s have worked very hard to continue restoration to the church. Since early 1980’s when the floor was replaced, they have raised and spent in excess of $25,000 to bring the church into good repair. In 1996 the exterior was sand blasted and repainted, previous painting having been undertaken in 1972. Since then the roof has been replaced, the floor sanded and sealed, all stained glass windows have new protective covers and the hall has had repairs carried out and been repainted. Further renovations to the interior of the hall are pending.

It’s our hope and prayer that the worship of Almighty God continues in this place for many, many years to come. We will be guided and inspired by the final words of Jesus to his followers.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore and make disciples, baptising them and teaching all I have commanded, and I am with you until the end of the age.”(Matthew 28: 18-20)

Last update November 2023.


Rev’d. J. Bishton M.A.1839-1853

Rev’d. M. Williams1853-1878

Rev’d. H. J. Edwards1878-1881

Rev’d. F. B. Sharland1881-1898

Rev’d. A. E. Hutchinson1898-1901

Rev’d. Dr. T. Craig1901-1907

Rev’d. R. Weld Thomas1907-1913

Rev’d. E. W. Julien1913-1916

Rev’d. F. R. Morze1916-1931

Rev’d. J. D. S. Daish1932-1933

Rev’d. H. G. Shepherd1933-1934

Rev’d. C. J. Randell1934-1947

Rev’d. D. M. V. Gasking1949-1952

Rev’d. W. H. Terry1952-1958

Rev’d. J. A. Lewys-Davies1958-1960

Rev’d. M. L. Hughes1960-1963

Rev’d. R. N. Fox1963-1965

Rev’d. R. A. Ezzy1965-1972

Rev’d. Canon G. C. Latta1972-1975

Rev’d. H. Condon1975-1981

Fr. Kay Webster1981-1986

Fr. Robert Maxwell1987-1992

Fr. Peter Astley-Bogg1992-1998

Rev’d. Alan Bulmer1998-2001

Rev’d Joyce Blazely (Hon Assistant)1998-2004

Rev’d. Paul Grayston2001-2003

Rev’d Ken Box (Locum)2004-2004

Rev’d Geoffrey Bransgrove2004-2005

Rev’d Josephine Pyecroft2004-2021

Rev’d Marie White2005-2013

Fr. Warwick Cuthbertson (Locum)2022-2022

Fr. Paul Hobby2022-

St Mary's Hagley
65 Church Ln, Hagley TAS 7292

St Andrew's Westbury
11 Lonsdale Promenade, Westbury TAS 7303

St Andrew's Carrick
42 Meander Valley Rd, Carrick TAS 7291

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